Thursday, June 3, 2010

The New Adventure Part 2

So I have been doing a lot of thinking okay well not really a lot...more like normal thinking for me that ends up anylizing and thinking then anylizing and repeating that process again and again...on several issues that are faced on a day to day basis. And while I am not certain on the reason we face them or what they are to teach us the journey continues. And I have descovered a lot of things about myself along the way.

I am for one sick of folks judging me and assuming that I am someone/something I am not. I am greatful for the people in my life who understand what it means to truly have my back and to cover me from darts of drama, gossip and other malicious acts both verbal and non verbal.

I find it funny how folks know they do me wrong yet try to be all chummy buddy as if I don't know they are holding knives to stab me with while hugging me...Seriously, I find everything out..why...cuz that's how I role! lol

I also have learned that forgiveness is a choice and that I must forgive those people who malicious attacks so that I don't harbor bitterness and block forgiveness when I am in need of it.  However, I have also learned just because a person says "sorry" doesn't mean that they are repenting or even asking for forgiveness. Sorry just means they got caught, repentance means they acknowledge their wrong and are determined to refrain from that behavior in the future because they are away of the wrong it holds and damage it does.  So I am no longer looking for appologies but sincere repentance for wrong done me.

Kindness goes a long way I have learned, when folks run their mouth and trash talk me, I use a very wise tactic of killing them with kindness and love.  It has gotten me a long way.  In fact it almost always sets me up for promotion/growth!

Well seing how I am at work and I shouldn't be on here I suppose I will end now and pick up where I left off when I get home. Besides I need to read the a few chapters in a book our young adults group is reading for our devotion/bible study time together...Its called Captivating by John and Stasi Eldredge...not really digging it but I will force myself to read and learn from it....who knows it may get better than the first 3 chapters...just got to keep reading to see....

I have nothing wise or profound to leave you with so


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