Friday, November 4, 2011

Walking The Path To Adoption

My heart is heavy. I am not sure I have the strength to help my sister choose a family to adopt her unborn baby. I can't imagine the thought of my family being seperated all because she is choosing to be selfish. The only reason she is choosing to adopt this baby is because she doesn't think she can afford a 2nd child. She choose to get pregnant, this was a planned pregnancy with her boyfriend. Her and her boyfriend are no longer together and now she wants to adopt out. I have begged her to let me adopt the baby, she says no. While I am greatful she didn't choose abortion as her method of removing the child from her life, I still think her motives for adoption are selfish and wrong. Yet, I do commend her for looking into helping others fulfill a desire of having children even if it's through adoption as their route.

I pray for the strength and ability to love her through this. I pray that God give her the right motives for this decision and turns her heart to my request of adopting this baby. I pray God's will be done in this situation so it brings Him glory and honor!