Sunday, November 18, 2007

The Art of Mastering Daily Principles

Ever face a situation that seemed to swallow you whole everytime you starred it in the face; No matter how strong you were the issue constantly kept defeating you instead of you defeating it! I have and it wasn't til recently I began to find out just what was missing so that I had the victory rather than getting defeated......
For example: You have been delivered from a specific issue however you find yourself constantly in situations where your behavior is constantly conterdicts the fact that you were delivered. Leaving you feeling many mixed emotions or even questioning your deliverance?

Two words.......

Self Discipline

You see behavior is a trained action that develops over time, and if not controlled or even disciplined in some cases your behavior will conterdict the words from your mouth and thoughts in your heart. Self Discipline is something one must constantly participate in so that the behaviors you portray are those that are Christ like.

According to the Webster's Dictionary the word Discipline states that the word is an action word and it means

"To train or develop by teaching and by control; training which corrects, molds, or perfects the mental faculties or moral character."

So as one can see self discipline is a vital thing for us Christians to participate in on a daily basis!

God bless and Until Next Time.....Work on mastering self discipline!