Sunday, November 18, 2007

The Art of Mastering Daily Principles

Ever face a situation that seemed to swallow you whole everytime you starred it in the face; No matter how strong you were the issue constantly kept defeating you instead of you defeating it! I have and it wasn't til recently I began to find out just what was missing so that I had the victory rather than getting defeated......
For example: You have been delivered from a specific issue however you find yourself constantly in situations where your behavior is constantly conterdicts the fact that you were delivered. Leaving you feeling many mixed emotions or even questioning your deliverance?

Two words.......

Self Discipline

You see behavior is a trained action that develops over time, and if not controlled or even disciplined in some cases your behavior will conterdict the words from your mouth and thoughts in your heart. Self Discipline is something one must constantly participate in so that the behaviors you portray are those that are Christ like.

According to the Webster's Dictionary the word Discipline states that the word is an action word and it means

"To train or develop by teaching and by control; training which corrects, molds, or perfects the mental faculties or moral character."

So as one can see self discipline is a vital thing for us Christians to participate in on a daily basis!

God bless and Until Next Time.....Work on mastering self discipline!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Experiences Learned Through Death While Living

So I am home after my journey to Alabama for the funeral of my grandpa. Amariah was a good little trooper. She road so well for a 2 1/2 year old who might I add is potty training...We did have to stop and stay over both going and coming home but all in all the trip went rather educational!
Yeah I said educational....I can't say anything else about it because well you can't say that a funeral went well, or let me just say that it was an educational experience!
Grandpa looked himself so that helped me stay somewhat strong. My family however wasn't so strong. Dad broke down, and my aunt did as well....and both times I choked up and did my best to hold in the tears. Having my daughter there with me through the process was a bit relieving...her innocent sense of humor was just what we all needed to help balance the moment of mourning....
So what did I learn you ask....I know your sitting in suspense holding the edge of your chair reading this so let me prolong no more.....

I learned that you can't pick your family...Even in adoption parents are the ones to choose.....who they will adopt...Even in the Spiritual sense God is the one who asigns the parents. Spiritual Fathers and Mothers of the Faith that will benefit us in every avenue of our life. And no matter what goes wrong, or how many times we disagree or agree or even have to work out differences they are still our parents and we can't just walk away from that......Well I guess one could if they have a problem with submission....or even rebellion....but even in the Bible there is a story of the prodical son coming home!
I also learned that no matter what experience you face or burden you carry light or heavy something happens in the supernatural when you worship your way through the moment. For me the whole process of grieving was a lot easier when my spirit man was in a state of worship. I determined in my mind that I was going to make it through and the only way I knew to do so was to begin to worship.

The old saying "death has no sting" is so true when you carry a spirit of worship while going through the process of letting go of a loved one to death in the natural but life in the eternal realm. There is something to be said when you praise your way through the storm......what ever that storm maybe....

Isaiah 9:6 "For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given....and his name shall be called The Prince of Peace."

When we go through the process of grieving for a loved one who has left this earth we have a sure promise that God will be with us and will be our peace through the journey.

So as we worship we begin to offer up a sacrifice that is pleasing to God so that he decends from the heavens and becomes our very present state of help in time of need. So remember the next time you go through

And watch God show up in a way that will lift the heavy burden and replace it with a lighter more joyful agenda!
God is love, light and much more. He is our understanding and all that seems dark and difficult will become clear to us as we depend upon Him, who is our understanding! The soul that is linked to God begins to understand and will go on to clearer understanding throughout the countless ages. Proverbs 8:14

Monday, October 1, 2007

A Day Like No Other

So I woke up this morning as if it were just another day.....tried to hit the snooze button..only to find myself having the desire to get up and spend time with God. So I layed in my bed praying and then Ami woke up..Got her out of her bed, she got on the potty herself, then came into my room and watched 2 cartoons while I was in the shower. I got dressed as I do every morning but something was very different today...unlike any other day. I checked my phone to see the time and discovered I had 2 missed calls....One being my family in Alabama, the other being work. I got Ami dressed and fixed her breakfast....We continued our routine and now here I am sitting typing this blog waiting to go to work.

So what is different you ask? Well, I woke up with a song in my heart, A smile on my face and a Spirit of peace. NO heavy burdens to carry today, NO worries about "joe" or the whole ordeal there, NO frustration......Only a song in my heart, a hop skip and jump in my feet and a smile that "EVERY THING IS GOING TO BE ALL RIGHT."

The verse in the Bible that goes something like this has been on the forfront of my spirit, mind and heart "Your Faith has made you Every bit Whole."

Well...I realized that today is not just another day its a day that was destined for me to walk into..and what I do today as well as what I don't do today but know to do will be recorded in the Heavens and I will be judged on...So I will live everyday from now on saying and doing that which God has instructed me to do or stay away from.....

How can some get away with what I am convicted on? has been a question for several months I have been asking myself..and yesterday I was given the answer... They have become disconnected with the Holy Spirit...they think they have relationship with him, however, all they have are justifications, lies and denial...they have forgotten the truth to the point they have pushed the Holy Spirit right out of their life. Don't they know that with-out the Holy Spirit in your life, there is no Power.

Well Its time to get back to a place of repentance, concecration, holiness and of course living in the Power of the Holy Spirit.

Later Gattors.....

Well off to see what awaits me at work! So that I can pour out all that God has placed with-in me for these little kids and of course my co-workers!

There comes a point in our life when we say enough is enough and take a stand despite who rejects us or who embraces us....I have learned over the last few months that there will always be people in this life who will hate me. And ya know what...I don't care anymore, my first priority isn't to be liked it's to obey God.

Somewhere in the last oh.....5 months I have lost my reverant fear for God. Only because I was desperately looking for a certain someone's approval. However, in the last few weeks (month to be exact) I have come away from this individual and began to seek God more and more, that I have once again re-gained the reverant fear for God. I am no longer allowing my past behaviors to dictate me just for the sake of this one person...I am not a puppet that dances when this one pulls the strings. I will no longer care what this one thinks, If this one can't help me fulfill the call God has on my life, then I will cut the cord and let them go. I can't be held back any longer.

I have realized that these behaviors are directly birthed from the fear of rejection and I AM CHOOSING TO PUSH............PUSH PAST THIS FEELING...

Starve the flesh and feed the spirit.

Besides if I truly prefere this one over me, then I will no longer allow them to feed their addiction with me, or help feed their addiction. I will instead speak the truth in love and hold them accountable. Yeah I realize I will be hated but I don't care anymore...I will use my stubborn-ness for the good rather than the bad.

well off to see the wizard the wonderful wizard of oz.......known as work!

"The road to success is not straight.There is a curve called failure, a loop called confusion, speed bumps called friends, red lights called enemies, caution lights called family.You will have flats called jobs.but, if you have a spare called determination you can make it through!"

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Freedom Will Always Have a Price Attached

I have come into encounter with several folks with in the last 3 months that are in a valley of decision being faced with the challenge of choosing God's Will or Free Will. And while I can only sit back and pray and seek God bringing the petition of Let your Will be Done oh God in their life it does cause my heart to ache while watching them sway in the balance with these issues weighing so heavy with-in them.... I guess as an intercessor you see more than you bargain for when activating in your grace and call. Its hard at times to sift through it and place it where it needs to go with out at times taking it to heart.Well that is what I have found a time or 2.

Last night, was one of those moments in time that for once I would of loved not to be graced to be an intercessor or even step farther prophetic. Because I was having a great time with a special person in my life..when a bomb shell of news went off while talking and it really made my spirit man come alive yet at the same time break my heart.....I did my very best to allow the spirit man to be activated and speak forcing my heart to be silent....because if its one thing I moments like that is when God tends to use me the speak what needs to be spoken....and I only pray that my words were those of my Heavenly Fathers and they penitrated the heart of the one I was with during this time....because I know all to well what lays ahead...I see the fork in the road for this one while looking to the left I see what God has, and then to the right I see the entrapment and life of destruction the devil has....but itsn't my road to choose to walk, and that is what hurts....I can only Pray that this one follows GOD'S VOICE and WILL RATHER THAN FREE WILL...and chooses the path God has ORDAINED BEFORE TIME FOR THIS ONE.

I have for some time now been meditating on the issue of free will and the price one pays to follow their free will rather than the will of God set before them for their life. While at the time free will doesn't appear to be costing you a dime, in the end the price will be death. Read Romans 6:23 "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."

And then I thought about the price one pays when they serve God and start trying to daily hang out with those who aren't serving God....there is a difference between a circle of close friends and a circle of those you are to minister to....Read 1 Corinthians 15:33-34 "Do not be misled, Bad company corrupts good character. Come back to your senses as you ought, and STOP sinning, fror there are some who are ignorant of God."

But the main place I want to zero in on tonight is found in

Provebs 14:12... "There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death."

The book of Proverbs frequently talks about life and death. Wise living (choosing Gods will over free will) tends to make you live longer, while foolish living (living out of free will) pushes you into an early grave. If you take this observation at face value, you'll have a problem. Plenty of people who live foolishly (in free will) survive into old age, but the concept of life and death in proverbs is talking much deeper than a physical survival...Its talking about the spiritual death as well as physical. By life (choosing God's will) the book of Proverbs means "this is real living" full of peace and joy and wisdom. By death (choosing free will) means a spiritual decay as well as physical.

A person who chooses to walk in free will may as well be labled dead spiritually and plan their own funeral for the physical because its a matter of time before the sin catches them and kills them. Choices that seem perfectly right may end up destroying you, That is precisely why people need to cultivate wisdom and follow the Will of God for their life rather than walk in free will. What looks good may not always be good. "Everything is permissible for me, but not everything is benificial." 1 Corinthians 6:12

Galatians 5: 16-18 " So I say to you Live by the Spirit and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature. For the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit and the Spirit contrary to the sinful nature. They conflict with each other, so that you don't do what you want. But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under law."

This means that when walking God's Will for your life you will not be forced to live in bondage but you will walk free! Free Will leads to bondage which will lead to death.

Ephesians 4:22-24 " You were taught with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self (following free will), which is being corrupted by its decietful desires, to be made new in attitude of your minds (a renewed mind) and to put on your new self (Gods Will) created to be like God in true Righteousness and Holiness."

So choose ye this day whom you will serve. As for me and my House we WILL serve the Lord!

Ecclesiastes 11:5 "As you do not know the path of the wind or how the body is formed in your mothers womb so you cannot understand the work of God the Maker of all things."

Don't sit on the fence, cuz when the wind blows you will fall off forcing you to land on a side that may cause you to pay the ultimate price.....eternal damnation of your soul!

Father, I pray that those reading this that are in a valley of decision will begin to experience you in their life like never before...begin father to speak to them, reveal to them and lead them into the truth, your will...lead them out of destruction into everlasting joys....Father let them have a life changing encounter right now that will change the course of their steps NOW.....I take authority over every evil scheme, plot and trick that the enemy has set out to take out the voices of this generation...SATAN, YOU HAVE NO POWER....THEY ARE CHILDREN OF THE MOST HIGH GOD.....LET ME REMIND YOU...YOU HAVE LOST....YOU ARE DEFEATED....I command every buffeting spirit that is causing these folks to walk staggering in the darkness like blind men to loose your hold now on them...and I command you to go into the dry and distant place now..never to return to them.....Now father I loose the angels of heaven to be assigned this night to them...guarding them, protecting them, ministering to them and even speaking and help leading them into all that you have for them.....HOLY SPIRIT GO NOW.....AND DO WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN SENT TO DO IN THEIR LIFE....for your glory and honor oh God......Amen....


He that Started a GOOD WORK In You IS FAITHFUL To COMPLETE It....

Stay The Course




Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Intimate Encounters

I began to talk to God...and when I was done, I began to listen for his voice. I turned the light on in the car and allowed my fingers to flip through the Bible and as I did God began to speak to me.
He started in 2 Timothy 4:18 then it went to Proverbs 3:5-6.

Followed by this statement The life people chose for themselves is of limitations. The life God ordains for one is a life of manifestations.

I then flipped to Psalms 119-105 and then Psalms 18:2

I stumbled apon these words written in my note book I was using to jot all this down in "loose your faith loose your voice." Then I recalled theses words spoken a while back "Only the hard hearted break covenant because they don’t care about others."

I began to listen more to God and as I did I found myself flipping through my notebook and read "Influence had got to drive the voice, Influence helps develop your identity. Influence means to bind and to tie. Influence comes through team concept. Team concept requires strong shoulders."

I know that I was reading this not by accident but it was God speaking to me and reminding me of what He spoke a while back for such a time as this.

The voice with influence is needed! Your voice comes through faith! Walking in influence allows you to walk in unlimited resources concerning the purpose God has given you.

Our weaknesses are present so God can connect us to those who have the same ’weakness’ as a strength to teach us how to not allow it to master us but teach us how to master the weakness.

Without unity there is NO POWER!

I then continued to wait on God to speak during our time together and then began to hear him speak on.

Scattered people accomplish nothing. Unity attracts Gods attention. Sight is the fruit of faith. Faith challenges us to something that doesn’t make sense. Faith depends on a voice. Mark 6:1-4.....

Sight can’t be used to understand faith. Submitting to God is what gets us to the unseen! 1 Corinthians 10:13
Determine in your heart that when adversity enters your world head on that you are going to praise your way through it in Spirit and in Truth despite what you see or feel in the natural realm.

There is an hour where God will REVEAL YOUR ENEMIES TO YOU! It was betrayal that promoted Jesus to the next level. Those who sacrifice with you are those sent to you!
When you get to a broken place know someone will show up in your world with the solution to your situation/problem.
When you are drowning move towards the place God has for you and you will find safety!
As I continued to seek God and His voice, I stumbled apon these words by Pastor Lane "The problem isn’t found in the harvest, It’s found in those who are called to do the labor (reap the harvest) running from the challenges they face while laboring."
As soon as I read this I camped there and began to meditate on the words....and God began to show me more on this.....

"Every promotion has a giant that needs to be taken out but it also is up to us (the one being promoted) to take out this giant so that we can be promoted. Our leaders aren’t required to take out every giant that we face in our lives." God recalled these words that were spoken on 1/14/04 by Pastor Gayle Brannan as I was seeking God on what Pastor Lane had said. (see above paragraph)

Then God began to remind me that Unbelief stops the ability to diagnose problems with accuracy and percision. He also reminded me that Iron sharpens Iron.. and that is to be the same in our friendships...Friends are to be like Iron.

I then began to think about some things in my own personal life and as I did God recalled to my mind this statement/question..... What your willing to walk away from determines what God will bring to you.

Then He reminded me that Covenant isn’t changed by what you see with the natural eyes. (example story of ruth and naomi)

Which then triggered my spirit to recall to mind that fear is brought on by a Spirit of Bondage. Fear when translated means faithless.

Which then began to take me to maturity....and God again showed me that True maturity is when you do what God commands without feeling it. And is seen when one presses through despite what they feel.

A promise is worth fighting for. When God promises you something ... fight with everything you got...the enemy will do everything he can to rob you from this promise.


Ex. 13:17-22 When fear is imparted the enemy is able to dictate and control every move you make.

Romans 8:15 and Hebrews 2:14-15

What must be done? God showed me that if we Renew our minds and stand on his word...and surround ourselves with those who HE HAS SENT TO US.....NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR HIM!

Psalms 144:1-2




So I will be still and Watch God!