Friday, May 28, 2010

Breakfast at Tiffany's without Tiffany! lol

So I am up and getting ready for work, I am having my friend and her kid over for a late breakfast early lunch before work. I enjoy socialization if you haven't figured it out by now! I mean seriously living in a cave all alone is not healthy or fun I am always looking to spread my wings and fly into a social setting. Now once I get there I may be found just watching but at least I am there! lol

Well I found out that my daughter is going to grandma's for the night so I that leaves me home alone! AGHHH! lol Whatever shall I do?? lol  Perhaps I will finish putting all the laundry away when I get home I am sick of seeing all the clean clothes in baskets or nice folded piles on my bedroom floor. How did we ever accumilate all these clothes? Seriously, if you came over you'd think there were like 3 girls living her just based on clothes. I have done all the weeding out of clothes too! My My!!

I have more to say but the time is short tune in again after 10pm to find out what happens in part two of my day!
