Monday, September 27, 2010

Desk of McDonalds

So for the last 3 nights I have been missing him. I mean really missing him, and no matter how hard I try to surpress or ignore the feelings they get stronger. I get in my Bible to meditate on the Word thinking it will help cast down these thoughts...Not working...I thought the first night it was just the pizza I ate late at night talking to me...but then what's the excuse Saturday night for pizza wasn't eaten that night? And why did I have him on the mind last night. I mean seriously I had a wonderful day at church, great time with my favorite friend and then went to church in the pm. I didnt even think of him at all yesterday til it was time to go to bed. Then to dream about him too? Seriously...I don't get this. It's been almost two years since we even had any type of relationship and almost a year since we have seen each other, so why now, why am I starting to miss him? I have let go, I have healed, I have allowed myself to move on. I can't stand this....ugh...

So I get on Facebook and read this status on someone's page...Shake off the "why's" and the "what if's" of your life and rid yourself of that energy draining confusion. Whatever was - is in the past. Focus, focus, focus on embracing your bright future that is filled with endless possibilities… GO FOR IT!!! So that is going to be my focus today...shaking off this him and what we had...and pushing myself to move forward.
So I pulled out the old year books from my school days and decided to see if I could find any of my former classmates on facebook. I found a lot of them from my year in Alabama. But not so many from my years in Michigan. Don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing! lol I guess I had more friends in Alabama than here in Michigan.

Well I have nothing left to say so for now....

1 Corinthians 6:12