Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Journey to the Throne 2

So in my time of prayer I heard God tell me to begin to look at some of the women in the Bible because there are some who I carry similar traits as they did. In my research, and looking into the lives of these women, I began to see just which ones God was wanting me specifically to look at. I spend most my morning investigating them and letting God speak to me as I read up on these 2 women. I realized that this year 2011 is a year that God is going to put me into position for full time ministry platform style but not in the way I had expected all these years. Not because I deserve this position, or because I am better than any other, but because I am chosen, called, appointed for such a time as this and because I have postured myself by paying the price at all cost. No I am not perfect, in fact this is a humbling honor that has me in a state of..... humility. I ask God why me and he responded "why not you?" I said okay God!

I realize that my passion to know God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit intimately has been part of the reason I have been chosen, now I don't mean to sound arrogant or conceded but I have paid a major price for this, right down to constantly having to battle defrimation of character because people judge me rather than let the Fruits of My life speak. They judge me based on hear say or false assumption of my behavior or what they think my behavior is saying.  

Lord, as I continue to seek out in these women what you want me to seek out show me, speak to me and let me become all that you desire me to be. I am ready to step into all that you have for me. I will pay the price at all cost.  I will do as you speak. I will no longer question or doubt or fear. I know your voice and I know you have me in the palm of your hand. I am in deed the apple of your eye! Thank you Lord for sending folks in my life to speak to me and help me stay on the path you have marked out for me before time began. I will seek you with all I am, all I have, all that I do. You are the one I long to please.--today marks a new begining in my life. I will follow. Refresh me as I walk this journey.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

2010 Recap

Well folks it's that time of year when I realize that another 365 days have come to an end and I look back to see what God has brought me through. I realize this year 2010 has become one of the strangest years I have encountered yet.

January--a month of decisions

February--a month of being the "new kid"

March & April--months of good bye

May--a month of transition and relocating

June, July August--months of healing

September--month of focusing and self examination

October, Novemeber---months of revelation of self

December--a month of closure to a lot of people, situations with anticipation of a NEW BEGINNING come 2011!

While each month brought something new, I realize it also made me more aware of the gifts and treasures that lay inside me placed there by God. I realized my unique abilities and now know how to opperate in them.

Last night I was told that I walk in Mercy, extending it to others because I know what it really is to experience Mercy and few people really know how to do this. I was also told that I am different and that I have a healthy perspective on Love and know how to flow in it. I'm glad this was said over the phone b'cuz I was bawling like a baby when listening to this. Giggle Giggle, I have prayed for many days this year for many things and I have to admit, I am seeing the results of the prayers. Some of the answers, are being answered in a way I didnt expect but others prayers are being answered in just the way I did expect. God is always faithful to perform His Word! He really does know best!

There is more to this but for now I will end it, and just say that I am greatful for each phase I experienced this year and know that it has helped me be more like Christ and become the me he wants me to be!


Journey to the Throne

I commited to a 21 day fast that started on Jan 1st and I am on the 4th day. Yesterday I struggled so hard to refrain from eating chocolate. Today the struggle is even more stronger because I am at my sisters house where food is everywhere! I mean the smell of it is delicious and I am salivating just from the smell! I am determined to discipline my flesh and resist eating though, I can do it! Philipians 4:13 is what I keep telling myself while thinking of the fact that fruits and veggies and water are my only food friends these days.  During this fast I have decided to write a daily prayer, journal entry so that I can later reflect on what occured during this process!

Day 1 Entry---Lord, help me to get focused during this fast. Help me to be able to settle myself and open my spirit, ears and heart to hear you when you speak. In Jesus Name-Amen

Day 2 Entry---Lord, I entered this fast out of obedience to the Man of God you placed in my life. I know you will honor me for it as I carry it out.
1. I believe you Lord for an open door in full time ministry with the bonus of paid salary this year
2. I believe you Lord for financial wholeness and helping me get a handle on my bills to get out of debt
3. I believe you Lord for the Man of God you have ordained for me to marry!
You desire me to bei n a platform ministry, its your will for me to be whole and married to the one you have set aside for me. 2011 is my year I believe this!
I believe strong holds will be broken, bondages broken, new wine skin given, a new me, The spirit in me will arise and be the one in control!

Day 3 Entry---Lord, I pray that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I pray that as I push away my plate and set time aside with you, I will hear your voice with out doubt, I will descern more accurately and that the fruits of the spirit will be developed to a new and deeper level in me!

Day 4 Entry---Lord, I thank you that I am able to come to you and you speak to me! I settle myself down to hear your voice, I am listening so Father speak to me! I desire to have intimate encounters with you that are deeper as we romance!