Monday, October 1, 2007

A Day Like No Other

So I woke up this morning as if it were just another day.....tried to hit the snooze button..only to find myself having the desire to get up and spend time with God. So I layed in my bed praying and then Ami woke up..Got her out of her bed, she got on the potty herself, then came into my room and watched 2 cartoons while I was in the shower. I got dressed as I do every morning but something was very different today...unlike any other day. I checked my phone to see the time and discovered I had 2 missed calls....One being my family in Alabama, the other being work. I got Ami dressed and fixed her breakfast....We continued our routine and now here I am sitting typing this blog waiting to go to work.

So what is different you ask? Well, I woke up with a song in my heart, A smile on my face and a Spirit of peace. NO heavy burdens to carry today, NO worries about "joe" or the whole ordeal there, NO frustration......Only a song in my heart, a hop skip and jump in my feet and a smile that "EVERY THING IS GOING TO BE ALL RIGHT."

The verse in the Bible that goes something like this has been on the forfront of my spirit, mind and heart "Your Faith has made you Every bit Whole."

Well...I realized that today is not just another day its a day that was destined for me to walk into..and what I do today as well as what I don't do today but know to do will be recorded in the Heavens and I will be judged on...So I will live everyday from now on saying and doing that which God has instructed me to do or stay away from.....

How can some get away with what I am convicted on? has been a question for several months I have been asking myself..and yesterday I was given the answer... They have become disconnected with the Holy Spirit...they think they have relationship with him, however, all they have are justifications, lies and denial...they have forgotten the truth to the point they have pushed the Holy Spirit right out of their life. Don't they know that with-out the Holy Spirit in your life, there is no Power.

Well Its time to get back to a place of repentance, concecration, holiness and of course living in the Power of the Holy Spirit.

Later Gattors.....

Well off to see what awaits me at work! So that I can pour out all that God has placed with-in me for these little kids and of course my co-workers!

There comes a point in our life when we say enough is enough and take a stand despite who rejects us or who embraces us....I have learned over the last few months that there will always be people in this life who will hate me. And ya know what...I don't care anymore, my first priority isn't to be liked it's to obey God.

Somewhere in the last oh.....5 months I have lost my reverant fear for God. Only because I was desperately looking for a certain someone's approval. However, in the last few weeks (month to be exact) I have come away from this individual and began to seek God more and more, that I have once again re-gained the reverant fear for God. I am no longer allowing my past behaviors to dictate me just for the sake of this one person...I am not a puppet that dances when this one pulls the strings. I will no longer care what this one thinks, If this one can't help me fulfill the call God has on my life, then I will cut the cord and let them go. I can't be held back any longer.

I have realized that these behaviors are directly birthed from the fear of rejection and I AM CHOOSING TO PUSH............PUSH PAST THIS FEELING...

Starve the flesh and feed the spirit.

Besides if I truly prefere this one over me, then I will no longer allow them to feed their addiction with me, or help feed their addiction. I will instead speak the truth in love and hold them accountable. Yeah I realize I will be hated but I don't care anymore...I will use my stubborn-ness for the good rather than the bad.

well off to see the wizard the wonderful wizard of oz.......known as work!

"The road to success is not straight.There is a curve called failure, a loop called confusion, speed bumps called friends, red lights called enemies, caution lights called family.You will have flats called jobs.but, if you have a spare called determination you can make it through!"

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