Monday, June 21, 2010

Single, Sassy, Satisfied

So I must admit I am not really fond of being in situations where I feel threatened by folks who have competitive behavior. I have never been one who has had to compete for anything and I will not start now! I know I am confident with who I am and with what the Will of God is for my life. So I won't allow anyone with insecurities to intimidate me. I will simply keep focusing on God and his Will for my life and in the end I will win!

So I started my new job today and now will be working 2 jobs 5 days a week! I have to say that this job is truly a blessing and is with some of the best kids I know! I may have to get up at 5am and be here by 7am, work both jobs til 11pm and not get home til midnight and get up and do it all over for the next 4 days but I love it! I am blessed beyond measure to be able to babysit these two kids! They are great.

So we are reading this book called Captivating and I must admit while its a good book, I am having a hard time getting into it...perhaps its because I don't have a lot of time to read during the week so I cram it in during the weekend. Or perhaps, its because the book is just not for this season of my life. But I am commited to reading it and will follow through with my commitment! I have to say that there are a few small selections from with in the book I do find very Captivating and Intreging to say the least. Perhaps, I will share those at a later date.

I went for a 2 mile walk Saturday and had a wonderful workout at the gym as well. I took some random pictures of what I seen while walking and I must say the sights although natural and common spoke to me and thus leading to my snapping a captured moment via photography. I have seen the most amazing sunsets the last two nights and I was left speechless both nights at the amazing artistry of the hand of God. Then today on my drive into work I got to share the most beautiful moment with my daughter as we were stopped at a 4 way stop. There were 2 large open fields on both sides and we casted our eyes on the one to the left of us as we sat at the stop sign and noticed a deer grazing amongst it. We rolled down the windows to get a better view (fog on the windows from the morning dew) and the deer was staring at us. We watched it for about 2 minutes letting the image of what we saw soak deep with in us! Breath taking to say the least, Amariah (my daughter) waived to the deer as we began to drive away! We got to experience 3 more moments like that as we drove to work. God truly made some beautiful creatures that live on this earth!

So I have to admit this week is looking good for me. Friday, was my daughter's father and me breakfast at her school and while her dad is absent from her and due to the recent divorce of my mom and her husband (now ex) grandpa has left the scene as well, so our pastor stepped in and took her to the school breakfast. She had the most amazing time and the smile on her face was priceless, even when friends asked if that was her dad. She said confidently "No, he's better than a dad, He's my pastor." I have been blessed beyond measure this year and to know the year is not over yet makes me anticipate more blessings and greatness!

I have come to the revelation that God has me covered because the last 5 weeks folks have been slinging verbal knives my way and trash talking me; while I know this I have not been affected by these attacks. I have been able to go about life as if nothing is wrong. I only know that they are attacking me because I have been praying and God revealed this to me. I even recently spent time with one of those people and was able to find myself smiling while in their presence. Loving your enemies can be easy if you know your covered by God and if you know that nothing can harm you. Not even gossip, trash talk, verbal assult against character or integrity! I also found I have a great Pastor who has started putting folks in their place for trash talking me! He has even went to the extent of taking folks out of so called leadership roles for the way they speak against me! God is true to his word, touch not the anointed and do them no harm! I know I am anointed and I know I am God's Princess so I know he has me covered from head to toe, left to right, front and back! I entered a new season of my life in Feb. of this year and while I find it hard to put into words what transformations have taken place inside me, I know they have occurred and I know they are for the better, I no longer find the things of the past to bug me or care what folks think of me. While yes a level of accountability is required I don't care anymore who says what, God is my advocate and will judge them according to their words!

I am excited about a few other new changes in my life that are taking place also as I position myself deeper in God.The more I become intimate with God the more I find that relationships don't seem to matter anymore! I know that in time God will bring me into meeting that I carry his missing rib! I am confident that God has this area covered for me as well, I no longer find myself worrying about it, but instead enjoying where I am now! I find myself skipping in the stores, smiling as I drive, singing as I work and just happy all around! I even was twirling around after church like a little girl in a sun dress in a field of flowers! I went to bed with a smile on my face after having the greatest night out with a few amazing folks! The drive home as the sunset and seeing the focused, deep in thought look on the faces of those riding with me was the highlight of my night! The fact that I knew they were thinking about God and the awesomeness he is and created made me smile! It was like watching a school age child astounished by the sight of something for the first time! Truly spectacular! I'd do it over and over if given the chance! Moments like that are what create memories that last forever!

(Untitled for now)
With one look in your eyes,
I see freedom,
I see joy,
With one look in your eyes,
I feel love,
I feel peace,
With one look in your eyes,
I know all fear is gone,
I know who you are,
With one look in your eyes,
I embrace the hand of God,
I embrace art at its finest point,
With one look in your eyes,
I experience more than what meets the eye!

Inspiration always occurs for me with one look into the eyes. Inspiration comes in many ways for me...but its moments like this where the eyes unlock the window to one's soul and the deep calls unto the deep!

well its time for me to bid a sweat and sorrow farwell for now, but perhaps later I shall venture to write more, til then be blessed and know your highly favored of God!

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